At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held in the City of Annapolis, on the Second day
of January, 1935, and ending on the First day of
April, 1935, the Honorable Harry W. Nice, being
Governor of the State, the following Laws were
enacted, to wit:
AN ACT to add one new Section to Offutt's Revised Code
of the Public Local Laws of Baltimore County, Edition
of 1929, Title No. 14, "County Treasurer" (Flack's Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930, Article 3), said
new Section immediately to follow Section 160 of said
Offutt's Code (Flack's 1930 Code, Article 3, Section 160)
and to be known as Section 160-A, providing that counsel
to the County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall
prosecute all proceedings to enforce payment of State
and county taxes, including special assessments and
Metropolitan District charges in Baltimore County, and
further providing for the maximum compensation for
services incident to such prosecution, and abolishing
taxing and/or collection by the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Baltimore County or others of appearance
fees in all such proceedings, and repealing all laws or
parts of laws inconsistent herewith, and providing for
emergency adoption hereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That one new Section be and the same is hereby
added to Offutt's Revised Code of Public Local Laws of
Baltimore County, Edition of 1929, Title No. 14, "County
Treasurer" (Flack's Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land, 1930, Article 3), said new Section immediately to fol-
low Section 160 of said Offutt's Code (Flack's 1930 Code,
Article 3, Section 160) and to be known as Section 160-A,
and to read as follows:
Section 160-A. All proceedings by way of sale, suit, or
otherwise, to enforce payment of overdue and delinquent