lished in Montgomery County, which notice shall state the
time from which taxes bear interest, and shall warn all
taxpayers of their liability, to be published as delinquent
taxpayers and to have their property sold unless the taxes
with which they are charged are paid on or before the
first day of January then next ensuing. He shall also,
immediately after the levy is made, make out the bill of
each taxpayer, to which a similar notice shall be annexed,
and upon application shall forward the bill by mail or
otherwise to the person or his agent to whom taxes have
been assessed.
Beginning for the fiscal year 1936-1937 and each and
every year thereafter the tax bills shall be made out in
such form as to permit the payment of taxes in two equal
installments, but the second installment may be paid at
the same time as the first installment. Provided, however,
that permission to pay taxes in installments shall not affect
the other provision of this Article as to when taxes become
in arrears, or the procedure for the collection of taxes in
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect on the first day of June, in the year 1935.
Approved February 21, 1935.
AN ACT to authorize and empower The Mayor and Alder-
men of Frederick to issue and sell serial coupon bonds
of said Municipal Corporation in an amount not exceed-
ing Thirty Five Thousand Dollars, ($35,000.00), par
value, and to expend the proceeds therefrom for the
purpose of redeeming and paying off the bonds hereto-
fore issued by the Corporation of Frederick pursuant to
Chapter 23 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1910, and an Ordinance enacted and or-
dained by The Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick on the
28th day of April, 1910, under the provisions of which
the Corporation of Frederick issued and sold Sixty Four
Thousand Dollars of bonds, for the purpose of bonding
the floating indebtedness of said Corporation; and to
provide for the levy and collection of all taxes necessary