issued to provide funds for street improvements in the
Montgomery County suburban district, and validating
and confirming said bonds, certificates of indebtedness or
other obligations so to be refunded, and providing for the
payment of the said coupon bonds and the interest there-
on out of the proceeds of certain special assessments and
other levies or by a general tax levy upon all the taxable
property within the limits of said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to
borrow money on the faith and credit of said county and
to issue and sell coupon bonds therefor in an amount not
to exceed two hundred and seventy-two thousand five hun-
dred dollars ($272, 500. 00), said bonds to be in such denomi-
nations and to bear such rate of interest not exceeding six
per centum (6%) per annum as may be determined by the
County Commissioners of Montgomery County. All of said
bonds may be issued at one time or they may be issued
in smaller amounts from time to time, and they shall be
dated and issued not later than June 1, 1937, as may be
determined by the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County, and the interest thereon shall be payable semi-an-
nually at intervals of six months, accounting from the date
or dates of said bonds in each and every year until said
bonds are paid. Said bonds when issued shall be signed
by the President of the said County Commissioners of
Montgomery County and shall be countersigned by the Clerk
to said County Commissioners of Montgomery County; the
seal of said County Commissioners of Montgomery County
shall be fixed to each bond and the interest coupons at-
tached shall bear the facsimile signature of the President
of the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
printed, lithographed or engraved thereon, that in case any
of the officers whose signatures shall appear on the bonds
and coupons authorized to be issued pursuant to the pro-
visions of this Act, shall cease to be such officers before
the delivery of such bonds, then such signatures shall never-
theless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as
if said officers had remained in office until such delivery.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the bonds shall
be issued to mature in serial form and prior to the issu-
ance and sale of any of said bonds the Board of County
Commissioners of Montgomery County shall pass a reso-
lution which shall recite that the bonds so issued shall ma-