SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1935.
Approved May 17, 1935.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the purchase of Princess
Anne Academy located in Somerset County and forming
a part of Morgan College and belonging to it, by the
Board of Regents of the University of Maryland from
the Board of Trustees of said Morgan College at and
for the sum of one hundred thousand ($100, 000. 00) dol-
lars, to fix the terms and conditions of such purchase
and to appropriate moneys therefor.
WHEREAS, On or about October 1, 1919, the Board of
Regents of the University of Maryland and the Board of
Trustees of Morgan College agreed that whenever Morgan
College wished to divest itself of Princess Anne Academy,
located in Somerset County and owned by said College,
said Board of Regents would recommend the acquisition
of said property by the University of Maryland at a price
to be fixed by three appraisers, one to be chosen by said
Trustees, one by said Regents and the third to be chosen
by the two first selected; and
WHEREAS, Said appraisers were not chosen, but in 1928
the Board of Public Works made an appraisal of said prop-
erty and fixed a flat price of ninety thousand ($90, 000. 00)
dollars, exclusive of interest and an adjustment of rents
and other income; and
WHEREAS, Said Trustees did in said year formally
approve of and accept said figure as a fair price for said
property but said Regents did not act upon the same, al-
though the Presidents of the University of Maryland and
of Morgan College signed a joint letter in which they
agreed that said sum was a fair price; and
WHEREAS, For a number of years since 1919, the Univer-
sity of Maryland has been in control and possession of
said property, taking care of the same and using it for the
purpose of carrying on its agricultural extension work
among the colored people; and
WHEREAS, The Presidents of the University of Mary-
land and of Morgan College have agreed that the sum of