members elected to the two houses of the General Assembly
of Maryland, the same shall take effect from the date of
its passage.
Approved March 7, 1935.
AN ACT authorizing and empowering the Mayor and
Council of Berlin, a Municipal Corporation in Worcester
County, to construct a sanitary sewerage system and
sewage treatment plant, and to borrow upon the faith
and credit of said Municipal Corporation a' sum of money
not exceeding one hundred thousand ($100,000.00)
dollars; providing for the issuance and amortization of
bonds for the purpose of such construction; and author-
izing the acquisition of the necessary property, real and
personal, that may be necessary for the construction of
the said system and plant; and authorizing the said
Mayor and Council of Berlin to use excess surplus
receipts from the water and light rents for the payment
of interest on and the retirement of the bonds hereby
authorized; and authorizing said Mayor and Council to
provide for sewer rentals and for the levy of additional
taxes, if necessary, to provide for the payment of interest
on and the retirement of said bonds.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That for the purpose of providing funds for the
construction of a sanitary sewerage system and sewage
treatment plant for the Town of Berlin, Maryland, the
Mayor and Council of Berlin be, and it is hereby authorized
and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of said
Town an amount not exceeding in the aggregate one hun-
dred thousand dollars, and to issue and sell serial coupon
bonds therefor, which said bonds shall be known as "Berlin
Sewer Construction Bonds of 1935."
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said
bonds to be issued from time to time under this Act shall
be serial coupon bonds, with the privilege of registration
as to principal only, issued in such denominations and at
such interest rate not exceeding, however, five per cent,
per annum, as shall be determined by ordinance of the