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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1031   View pdf image (33K)
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Other Toes—For the loss of one of the toes, other than
the great toe, ten weeks.

Hand—For the loss of a hand, one hundred and fifty

Arm—For the loss of an arm, two hundred weeks.

Foot—For the loss of a foot, one hundred and fifty

Leg—For the loss of a leg, one hundred and seventy-
five weeks.

Eye—For the loss of an eye, one hundred weeks.

Hearing—For the total loss of hearing of one ear, fifty
weeks; for the total loss of hearing of both ears, one hun-
dred weeks.

Loss of Use—Permanent loss of use of a hand, arm,
foot, leg or eye, shall be considered as the equivalent of
the loss of such hand, arm, foot, leg or eye, and for the loss
of the fractional part of the vision of either one or both
eyes, the injured employee shall be compensated in like
proportion to the compensation for total loss of vision, and
in arriving at the fractional part of vision lost regard shall
not be had for the effect that correcting lens or lenses may
have upon the eye or eyes.

Amputations—Amputation between the elbow and the
wrist shall be considered as the equivalent of the loss of
a hand. Amputation between the knee and the ankle shall
be considered as the equivalent of the loss of a foot. Ampu-
tation at or above the elbow shall be considered as the loss
of an arm. Amputation at or above the knee shall be con-
sidered as the loss of the leg.

Other Cases—In all other cases in this class of disability
the compensation shall be fifty per centum of the differ-
ence between his average weekly wages and his wage-earn-
ing capacity thereafter in the same employment, or other-
wise, if less than before the accident (but not to exceed
eighteen dollars per week), payable during the continu-
ance of such partial disability, but not to exceed three
thousand dollars, and subject to reconsideration of the
degree of such impairment by the Commission on its own
motion or upon application of any party in interest.

In all cases where there has been an amputation of a part
of any member of the body herein specified, or the loss
of the use of any part thereof, for which compensation is
not specially provided, herein the Commission shall allow
compensation for such proportion of the total number of
weeks allowed for the amputation or the loss of the use
of the entire member, as the affected or amputated portion
thereof bears to the whole.


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1031   View pdf image (33K)
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