All salaries as hereinbefore set forth in this section shall
be reduced for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935,
and ending August 31, 1936, and for the fiscal year begin-
ning September 1, 1936, and ending August 31, 1937, in
accordance with the following annual scale of reductions,
any and all other provisions of this section notwithstand-
Salaries under $1, 200 shall be reduced by 10%
Salaries from $1, 200 to $1, 799 shall be reduced by 11%
Salaries from $1, 800 to $2, 399 shall be reduced by 12%
All provisions of this section creating any salary increase
because of length of teaching experience due to employment
during one or more years between September 1, 1932, and
August 31, 1936, are suspended and non-operative for the
fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935, and ending Au-
gust 31, 1936, and for the fiscal year beginning September
1, 1936, and ending August 31, 1937, any and all other
provisions of this section to the contrary nothwithstanding.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That Sections 202
and 203 of Article 77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
1924 Edition, title "Public Education, " sub-title "Schools
for Colored Children, " as amended by Chapter 224 of the
Acts of 1933, be and the same are hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
202. No teacher regularly employed in the public
schools for colored children in the State of Maryland shall
receive a salary of less than forty dollars ($40) per month;
provided, that if such teacher holds a third grade certifi-
cate of the first class and has taught in the public schools
for colored children in the State of Maryland for a period
of three years, such teacher shall receive a salary of not
less than forty-five dollars ($45) per month.
No teacher regularly employed in the public schools for
colored children in the State of Maryland, holding a second
grade certificate, shall receive a salary of less than fifty
dollars ($50) per month; provided, that if such teacher
holds a second grade certificate of the first class and has
taught in the public schools for colored children in the
State of Maryland for a period of three years, such teacher
shall receive a salary of not less than fifty-five dollars
($55) per month; provided, further, if such teacher holds
a second grade certificate of the first class and has taught
in the public schools for colored children in the State of
Maryland for a period of five years, such teacher shall re-