ment of the amount of the promissory notes and the princi-
pal of the bonds issued under this Act shall be assured, the
prompt and proper performance of the duties imposed upon
the tax levying authorities is specifically enjoined, and any
failure upon the part of any person, persons, body corpor-
ate or agent to perform the proper acts and duties in con-
nection with the levy and collection of the necessary taxes,
or of the use of any of the funds collected by virtue of this
section for any other purpose than for the payment of the
amount of the promissory notes and the principal and in-
terest on said bonds, is hereby declared a misdemeanor and
punishable, as other misdemeanors are punishable, by Sec-
tions 153 of this Article. "
"141. Said Commission may provide for all or
any part of the cost of construction, establishment, exten-
tion or alteration of the sewerage system, except the sewer-
age disposal plant, by the levy of a front foot assessment
on all property abutting on a street, road, alley or right-of-
way in which a sewer is laid. Said assessment shall be
payable annually during the life of the bonds, and shall be
sufficient in aggregate amount to pay any part or all of the
interest on the outstanding bonds, and to provide for their
retirement. Said Commission may provide for the ex-
tinguishment by property owners of annual front foot ben-
efit charges upon such terms as they may deem wise, proper
and equitable, provided any such arrangement shall provide
properly for the necessary payments on the outstanding
bonds. The Commission may classify properties and may
change the front foot assessment rates from year to year,
as may become necessary, but the rate for each year shall
be uniform for each class or property so assessed within
the town. Said Commission shall notify in writing all
assessed property owners as to the amount of their assess-
ments, naming in said notice a time and place when and
where said owners will be heard. The benefit charge as-
sessed against any property shall be final subject only to
revision of said hearing. The Commission, in the case of
corner lots, irregular shaped lots and shallow lots fronting
on more than one street may determine upon such lengths
of frontage for assessment as they may deem reasonable
and fair. Front foot charges, as above specified, shall be
a first lien on property against which they are assessed,
subject only to prior State and county charges shall be in
default after 60 days from the date of levy and upon de-
fault of payment shall be reduced to judgment within two
years or the lien will be lost. "
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