tion a bona fide resident of the county in which he proposes
to operate under the license applied for; (4) a statement
giving the age, sex and color of the applicant; (5) the place
of birth of the applicant, and if a naturalized citizen, when
and where he was naturalized; (6) the particular place for
which a license is desired, designating the same by street
and number if practicable; if not, by such other apt descrip-
tion as definitely locates it, and also a description
of the portion of the building in which the business
will be conducted; (7) the name of the owner of the
premises upon which the business sought to be licensed is
to be carried on; (8) a statement that the applicant has
not been convicted of a felony within five years prior to the
date of the execution of the application; (9) a statement
that the applicant has not had a license for the sale of alco-
holic beverages revoked; (10) a statement that the appli-
cant, or person on behalf of whom the application is filed,
is not pecuniarily interested in any other place of business
in said county or City of Baltimore where or for which a li-
cense has been applied for, granted or issued under this Act;
(11) a statement that no person except the applicant is in
any way pecuniarily interested in said license or in the busi-
ness to be conducted thereunder during the continuance of
the license applied for, and if the application is for a retail li-
cense, a further statement that no manufacturer, brewer,
distiller or wholesaler has any financial interest in the
premises or business of the applicant and that the appli-
cant will not thereafter convey or grant to any such manu-
facturer, brewer, distiller or wholesaler any such interest
and that the applicant has at the time of making the appli-
cation no indebtedness or other financial obligation and
will not thereafter incur any such indebtedness or financial
obligations to any manufacturer, brewer, distiller or whole-
saler other than for the purchase of alcoholic beverages;
(12) a statement that the applicant will, if granted a li-
cense, conform to all laws and regulations relating to the
business in which the applicant proposes to engage; (13)
and a statement duly executed and acknowledged by the
owner of the premises in which the business is to be con-
ducted assenting to the granting of the license applied for,
and authorizing the Comptroller, his duly authorized depu-
ties, inspectors and clerks, the Board of License Commis-
sioners of the County or City in which the place of business
is located, its duly authorized agents and employees, and
any peace officer of such City or County, to inspect and
search, without warrant, the premises upon which the busi-
ness is to be conducted, and any and all parts of the build-
ing in which said business is to be conducted, at any and