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Session Laws, 1936 (Special Session 1)
Volume 577, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)
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Chapter 78, House Bill 149, directs the Police Commis-
sioner of Baltimore City to pension the widow of Lieut.
Edgar Steinacker.

Chapter 126, Senate Bill 98, directs the Police Commis-
sioner of Baltimore to pension Peter Schweikert, a former
member of the Police Department.

I have the deepest and most profound sympathy for the
widow of Sergeant Hunter, of the State Police, and the
widow of Lieutenant Steinacker, of the Baltimore Police
Department, whose husbands met with such regrettable
and fatal accidents, but under the rulings of the Attorney-
General, I find myself without legal justification for the
approval of these bills. The Attorney-General advises me
that all three bills are objectionable, on the ground that
they attempt, by special act, to confer pensions on police
officers or their dependents. He states that if the provi-
sions of the general law are inadequate to coyer cases of
this kind, the General Assembly can, if it desires, amend
them to do so but that the Constitution prohibits special
Acts on subjects for which there is a general law.

General Gaither, Commissioner of Police for Baltimore
City, is opposed to Chapters 78 and 126. For the above rea-
sons, I have vetoed all three of these bills.


Chapter 117, Senate Bill 81, relates to the piloting of ves-
sels through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and the
Elk River.

The Pilots' Association of Maryland, represented by Capt.
John S. Delano, National President of the Pilots' Associa-
tion, and Capt. B. Richard Wysong, President of the Mary-
land Association, requested me to veto this bill. Since the
Association sponsored the bill in the first instance, I have
followed its recommendation and have vetoed it.


Chapter 69, House Bill 124, extends the limits of the
town of Riverdale by including a part of the town of Hyatts-

I am of the opinion that it is not proper to take a part
of the town of Hyattsville and add to the town of River-
dale without referring the matter to the citizens of the two
towns in the form of a referendum. I have, therefore, vetoed
the bill.


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Session Laws, 1936 (Special Session 1)
Volume 577, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)
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