voters of the town shall elect a Mayor and Treasurer to
serve the term of two years and shall elect three Council-
men, one from each Ward, to be voted for by the qualified
voters of each ward, two to serve for the term of two years
and one to serve for the term of one year. At the first
meeting the Mayor and Common Council shall designate
the time to be served by each Councilman. At each suc-
cessive annual election, the qualified voters of each Ward
in which there is a vacancy shall elect a Councilman to
serve for the term of two years. The Mayor and Treas-
urer must continually reside in said town, and each Coun-
cilman in his respective Ward during his term of office,
and the Mayor and Councilmen shall receive no compen-
sation for their services provided, however, that the Mayor
and the members of the Council, or any of them, may be
re-imbursed or paid for any expenses incurred or losses
sustained by them while performing his or their official
duties on behalf of the town. The Mayor and Common
Council, in their discretion, may fix such compensation for
the Treasurer as they deem just and necessary.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council shall meet in some convenient place in
said town, on or before the first Monday in August of each
year, and as often thereafter as may be necessary in the
discharge of their duties, provided, however, that they
shall not meet less than once in every month. The ma-
jority shall form a quorum for the transaction of busi-
ness; and upon each action taken the yea and nay vote of
each Councilman and Mayor shall be recorded opposite
his name. The Mayor and Councilmen shall pass rules and
regulations consistent with the provisions of this Act for
their own government while in session. Any Councilman
absent from three consecutive meetings, without excuse,
shall constitute a vacancy. All vacancies occurring shall
be filled by the Mayor and Common Council. The Mayor
shall preside at the meeting of the Council and shall call
meetings from time to time as he may deem necessary, but
in case of his absence from any meeting, the Councilmen
present shall elect one of their members to preside who
shall for the time being have all the authority of the
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That all citizens of
the United States of the age of twenty-one years and
over who shall have actually resided within the limits of
the town of University Park not less than 90 days next