said County with or without a charge or admission fee;
provided that it shall be unlawful to show any pictures hav-
ing a plot, tone or character which is degrading, indecent
or salacious, and which tends to glorify vice and marital
infidelity, and to make light of all high ideals.
Any person or persons, or body politic or corporate, who
shall violate any provisions of this section, or cause or
knowingly permit the same to be violated by a person or
persons in his, her or its employ, shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined a
sum not less than fifty dollars ($50. 00) nor more than one
hundred dollars ($100. 00), in the discretion of the Court,
for the first" offense; and if convicted a second time for a
violation of this section, the person or persons, or body
politic or corporate, shall be fined a sum not less than one
hundred dollars ($100. 00) nor more than five hundred dol-
lars ($500. 00); and, if a natural person, shall be impris-
oned not less than ten nor more than thirty days, in the
discretion of the Court; and in the case of any conviction
or convictions under this section subsequent to the second,
such person or persons, or body politic or corporate, shall
be fined on each occasion a sum at least double that imposed
upon him, her, them or it on the last preceding conviction,
but in. no case more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00);
and if a natural person, shall be imprisoned not less than
thirty nor more than sixty days, in the discretion of the
All fines imposed under this section shall be paid to the
County Commissioners of Howard County. Any person
or persons, or body politic or corporate, availing themselves
of this section pertaining to motion pictures must first pro-
cure a license and pay a license fee, such as is now required
for motion pictures on other than the Lord's Day, com-
monly called Sunday, no additional fee, however, being re-
quired because of this section authorizing Sunday opera-
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 483
and 485 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Crimes and Punishments, " sub-title
"Sabbath Breaking, " shall not apply to Howard County and
shall be repealed in so far as said sections prohibit the ex-
hibition of motion pictures on Sunday in Howard County.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all laws or
parts of laws, whether Public, General or Public Local