garbage and other refuse, and the disposal thereof, to pro-
vide and maintain a meeting place for said Commission
and a place for the keeping of the records, books, property
and other things of said town, to purchase, acquire by gift
or grant, and hold or dispose of real and personal property
for the benefit of said town, including the power to lease
or rent the same, to incur expenses and debts on behalf of
said town, to provide for and pay the expenses of govern-
ing said town, including the expense of having a meeting
place for said Commission and a place for keeping the rec-
ords, books, property and other things of said town, the
expense of registering voters, conducting elections, provid-
ing records, books, and other things necessary for the
proper government of said town, the expense of paying
the salary of the town Treasurer, the expense of hiring per-
sons, including an attorney or attorneys, to perform work
or services for said town, to enter into contracts on behalf
of said town for the foregoing or any other lawful pur-
pose in connection with the government of said town and
to fix the amount of compensation to be paid thereunder,
and to expend the moneys and funds of said town for any
of the foregoing or any other lawful purpose for the bene-
fit of said town, and to do all other acts, and things, sub-
ject only to limitations of this Act, for the good govern-
ment of the Town of District Heights, and for the benefit
of said town. Provided, however, that all money paid
over to the Town of District Heights, or to the District
Heights Commission, or to the town Treasurer by the
County Commissioners of Prince George's County, or by
the Board of Road Commissioners of said County, shall be
expended in repairs and improvements of the streets and
roadways of said town; and provided, further, that neither
the Town of District Heights nor the District Heights Com-
mission nor any person shall have power or authority, in
any one year, to contract debts or incur any financial lia-
bility on behalf of said town in excess of the current an-
nual revenues of said town.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the County
Commissioners of Prince George's County shall, and they
are hereby directed to return and pay over annually to the
Treasurer of the Town of District Heights, three-fourths
(%) of the full amount of the road and bridge tax levied
and collected each fiscal year from property within the said
Town of District Heights in the same amount and manner
as is now required by the law to be paid to incorporated
towns in said County, the money so returned to be expended