sioners to pay over to said Treasurer of the Town of
District Heights, for the purpose of the improving,
maintaining and repairing of the roads, streets and al-
leys of said town, the money collected on account of the
County road and bridge tax, in the same manner as is
now required by law to be paid to incorporated towns in
said County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the Town of District
Heights, Iin Prince George's County, are a body corporate
by the name of the Town of District Heights, and by that
name shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, have
and use a common seal, and may purchase and hold or dis-
pose of real and personal property for the benefit of said
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted: That the boun-
daries of said town shall be as follows: To include the
lines drawn as boundaries on the Plat of the District
Heights Subdivision, in two sections, numbered 1 and 2,
as recorded in Plat Book numbered Liber S. D. H. number
3, folios 21 and 84, of the Land Records of Prince George's
County, Maryland, and including acreage commonly known
as Section 3, all of which sections are included in the fol-
lowing metes and bounds: —
Beginning at Southwest corner of tract herein described
at a stone situate: Intersection North line Washington
and Marlboro Turnpike and the center of old Bladensburg
Road, so called in Spaulding District, Prince George's
County, Maryland. Thence running with the center of the
said Bladensburg Road North 16 degrees 8 minutes West
1534. 6 feet. Thence leaving said Road North 11 degrees
23 minutes West 792 feet to a stone. Thence South 88 de-
grees 46 minutes East 1267. 77 feet to Southeast corner
Michael Tillman land. Thence South 10 degrees 8 minutes
West 83 feet to Southwest corner of Alfred West land.
Thence South 78 degrees 23 minutes East 1051. 49 feet to
Southeast corner Alfred West land. Thence North five de-
grees 53 minutes West 387. 75 feet to Northeast corner of
Alfred West land. Thence North 62 degrees 7 minutes
East 307. 17 feet. Thence North 87 degrees 44 minutes
East 247. 5 feet to a stone at Southwest "corner of W. A.
Kasulke land. Thence 87 degrees 44 minutes East 2062. 97
feet to a stone at Southeast corner of A. Kasulke land.
Thence North 87 degrees 37 minutes East 595. 93 feet to a
stone at Southeast corner of W. H. Sommers land. Thence