shall be submitted at the regular town election to be held
on the first Monday in July, 1936. There shall be printed
on the official ballots to be used at said election in Capital
Letters the words "Charter Amendment Authorizing Street
Improvement Bonds Not Exceeding 8% of the Assessed
Valuation of Property in Town of Colmar Manor, " and un-
derneath this caption on separate lines a square or box to
the right of and opposite the words "For Charter Amend-
ment" and a corresponding square or box to the right of
and opposite the words "Against Charter Amendment, " so
that the voters shall be able to designate by a cross mark
in the proper square or box his or her decision for or
against said Charter Amendment. If a majority of the
votes cast on said question shall be "For Charter Amend-
ment, " then this Act shall be in full force and effect; but
if a majority of the votes cast thereon shall be "Against
Charter Amendment, " then this Act shall be null and void
and of no effect whatever.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1936.
Approved April 8, 1936.
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of District Heights, in
Prince George's County, Maryland, as hereinafter de-
scribed; to provide for the government thereof, and to
provide for the submission of this question to the quali-
fied voters of said town for its adoption or rejection; and
to provide for the election and succession of the govern-
ing body of said town, to be known as the District
Heights Commission, which shall have power to elect
and enforce ordinances for the good government, public
health, safety and morals of said town, and to authorize,
empower and direct the District Heights Commission to
make annual levies of not exceeding Ten Cents ($. 10)
on each One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) of the assessable
value of land and personal property of the said Town of
District Heights, for the purpose of defraying the gov-
ernmental expenses of said town; and provide for the
appointment of a Treasurer to receive and disburse said
funds, and also directing the Board of County Commis-