Department of Employment Security, and is based on the experi-
ence of other States which have adopted the policy of extending
aid to employables who have exhausted their unemployment com-
pensation benefits, and are in need.
In these States, the experience has been that not more than 10
per cent of the total welfare expenditure has been needed to meet
the demands in this category. In Maryland, the gross welfare
expenditure is approximately $15,000,000. On the base of experi-
ence elsewhere, this would indicate a need of approximately
$1,500,000 for a full year for this purpose.
I am assured by the Director of the Department of Public Wel-
fare that the $300,000 which I recommend be appropriated, when
supplemented by local funds, will be ample to meet the situation
as it exists in Maryland.
It may well be that the problem for which this emergency appro-
priation is made will require extended study by the regular session
of the General Assembly which will meet in these halls six weeks
The fourth matter which I commend to your favorable considera-
tion is the reenactment of the State's search-and-seizure statute.
I do this on the advice of the Attorney General, who assures me
that if the present statute is held invalid in legal proceedings now
pending, a chaotic situation will result in the courts of the State.
This statute is under the same sort of cloud as the $50,000,000
school loan measure, which was invalidated.
Journal entries during the 1939 session, when the search-and-
seizure law was amended, fail to bear out in all detail the provi-
sions of the amended measure which was signed and became law.
The bill which will be presented for your consideration does not
in any detail deviate from the law now on the books and, if there
is any disposition on the part of the General Assembly to reex-
amine the provisions of this statute, I earnestly recommend that
consideration on it be deferred until the regular session.
Again, let me say that I regret exceedingly the necessity for
calling you back to Annapolis on the eve of the holiday season, and
I hope that you have not been too greatly inconvenienced by this
extraordinary session.
Which was read and ordered journalized.