cil, it shall sell said bonds, or any part thereof to the highest
bidder or bidders, of whose ability to comply with the terms
of sale the said Mayor and City Council, in its discretion, is
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That upon the sale of said
bonds or any part thereof, the proceeds thereof shall be placed
in a separate fund and used by the Mayor and City Council of
Cumberland for the purpose of paying any expenses of any
kind incurred by it in connection with the construction of an
auxiliary water line, additions to filtration plant and sedi-
mentation basin, and for no other purpose or purposes. The
said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall be and is
hereby authorized to enter into any contract, agreement or
understanding that may be found necessary in order to secure
the benefit of any funds allocated by any agency of the United
States Government in connection with or incident to the con-
struction of said improvements.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council shall charge and collect for the water supplied to the
resident's of the City of Cumberland and vicinity, a sum suffi-
cient to pay the expenses heretofore and hereafter necessary for
the operating of the water system of Cumberland, Maryland,
and to pay for the redemption of the bonds now outstanding
against the City of Cumberland for water improvements, and
this bond issue, and the interest on all the bonded indebtedness
of the City of Cumberland pertaining to the water system of
said City; and the money so charged and collected shall be
kept and maintained in a fund separate; it being the intention
of this Act to enable the Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land to so operate the water supply of said City that the reve-
nue therefrom shall be used to defray the heretofore or here-
after expenses connected therewith, provided if the receipts
from the water department shall be less than the expenses in
any year or years, the Mayor and City Council shall levy from
time to time such amount on the assessable property of the City
as may be necessary to pay the bonds issued hereunder, and the
interest thereon, provided, however, that the water rates shall
be increased for the succeeding year sufficient to pay off such
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the bonds hereunder
authorized shall be issued in addition to and exclusive of the
ten percent bonded indebtedness on the assessed valuation on
property in the City of Cumberland now authorized by the City
Charter, and that any and all Acts or parts of Acts or any part
or parts of the Charter of the City of Cumberland conflicting
in. any way herewith is or are repealed insofar and to the extent