fifths of all the members elected to each of the two Houses of
the General Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date
of its passage.
Approved November 7, 1945.
(Senate Bill 3)
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land, Maryland, to borrow the sum of Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand ($250,000.00) Dollars, and to issue coupon bonds
for payment of the same, to be known as "Water Improve-
ment Bonds of 1945," and to sell the same and to use the
proceeds thereof for the purpose of paying expenses incident
to the construction of an auxiliary water line and other im-
provements from Lake Gordon to the City of Cumberland,
and to provide for the payment of said bonds and the
interest thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland be and
it is hereby authorized and empowered to issue "Water Im-
provement Bonds of 1945," to the amount of Two Hundred
Fifty Thousand ($250,000.00) Dollars, payable serially and in
such amounts annually as the Mayor and City Council shall
by ordinance determine; and to sell the same; said bonds shall
be of the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars
each, and shall be exempt from State, County and Municipal
taxes. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of the City
of Cumberland and attested by the City Clerk, with the cor-
porate seal of the City thereto attached and shall bear interest
at the rate of not more than four (4%) percent per annum,
payable semi-annually, for which interest proper coupons are
to be attached to said bonds.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
City Council shall, by ordinance, cause advertisement to be
made, setting the time and place where bids conditioned as may
be required by said ordinance will be opened for the sale of
said bonds, reserving unto itself the right to reject any and all
bids. Said bids shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City
of Cumberland, and at the time and place advertised shall be
opened by him in the presence of the Mayor and City Council,
and if said bonds be satisfactory to the Mayor and City Coun-