the way, that will provide many millions of man-hours of employ-
ment, while at the same time assuring for the people of the State
a carefully planned series of public buildings, hospitals, schools.,
utilities, roads and bridges that will be of lasting benefit.
The past six and one-half years have witnessesd a complete trans-
formation in Maryland's fiscal affairs. Budgets have been continu-
ally in balance, despite the greatly increased amounts allowed for
education, health, salaries of State employees and other very neces-
sary purposes. Your Honorable Body has been a party to this
change-about, which, as you know full well, has been brought about
without neglecting a single important phase of the State's opera-
Intelligent care in allocating funds, efficiency in Administration
and economy in husbanding resources, all have contributed to place
Maryland in an enviable financial position. Let us maintain that
desirable situation.
I beg to remain,
Very truly yours,
Which was read.
House Bill No. 1—By Mr. White ('Speaker) :
A Bill entitled "An Act to add a new sub-section to Section 6
of Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland and
Baltimore City Charter (1938 Edition), title 'Baltimore City', sub-
title 'General Powers', sub-heading 'Taxes', as said section and
Charter was amended by Chapter 548 of the Laws of Maryland, 1945,
authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to have and
exercise within the limits of Baltimore City the power to tax to
the same extent as the State has or could exercise said power within
the limits of said City, and to provide the procedure for the exer-
cise of said power."
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means.
House Bill No. 2—By Mr. White (Speaker) :
A Bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Sub-sections (c) (3) and (c) (5) of Section 7 of Article 95A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1943 Supplement), title 'Unem-
ployment Compensation', sub-title 'Contributions' (as said sub-sec-