by certain political subdivisions in adopting airport zoning
regulations and authorizing them to delegate the adminis-
tration and enforcement of such regulations to administra-
tive agencies; creating Boards of Appeals and setting forth
their powers; providing for appeals; providing penalties and
remedies for violation; authorizing certain political sub-
divisions to acquire property rights by purchase, grant, lease
or condemnation under certain conditions and for certain
purposes, and providing for the severability of the provisions
of this Act, and providing that Baltimore County shall be
exempted from the provisions of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 58 to 67, both inclusive, of Article 1A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (Flack 1939 Edition), title
"Aeronautics", sub-title "Airport Zoning", be and the same are
hereby repealed, and that nine new sections be and the same
are hereby added to Article 1A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (Flack 1939 Edition), title "Aeronautics", sub-title "Air-
port Zoning", said new sections to be numbered 58 to 66, both
inclusive, and to follow immediately after Section 57 of said
Article and to read as follows:
58. Definitions. As used in this sub-title, unless the con-
text otherwise requires:
(a) "Airport" means any area of land or water, or both,
owned, controlled or operated by any political subdivision, or
subdivisions, designed and set aside for the landing and
taking-off of aircraft and used or to be used in the interest of,
or by, the public for such purposes;
(b) "Airport hazard" means any structure, tree or use of
land which interferes with communication between an airport
and aircraft approaching or leaving the same or which ob-
structs the aerial approaches of an airport or which is other-
wise hazardous to its use for landing or taking-off of aircraft;
(c) "Aircraft" means any of the vehicles described in Sec-
tion 1 of this Article;
(d) "Political subdivision" means any county or any incor-
porated municipality;
(e) "Person" means any individual, firm, co-partnership,
corporation, company, association, joint stock association or
body politic, and includes any trustee, receiver, committee,
assignee or other similar representative thereof;