any portion thereof, shall not have interest coupons attached,
as may be provided by or under the authority of said ordi-
nance or ordinances, and said certificates of indebtedness,
when issued, shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may
be provided by or under the authority of said ordinance or
ordinances. If said certificates are issued in series maturing
at stated periods, and a portion of the principal is made
payable annually, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
shall annually raise by taxation the amount of money required
to meet the interest and the portion of the principal payable
in said year. If said certificates are not issued in series, any
premiums realized above the par value of the whole amount
of said certificates shall constitute a part of the sinking fund
created for the purpose of paying the loan herein authorized;
if said certificates of indebtedness are issued in series, such
premiums shall be placed to the credit of any existing sinking
funds established for the payment of any loans of the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore.
Approved March 16, 1944.
(Senate Bill No. 20)
AN ACT making an emergency appropriation for the payment
of the expenses of the General Assembly of Maryland for
the Extraordinary Session of 1944.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
(|25,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the
same is hereby appropriated as an emergency appropriation
from any funds in the General Surplus Fund Account of the
Treasury of the State for the fiscal year ending June 30th,
1944, for the payment of the officers and employees of the
General Assembly of Maryland of the Extraordinary Session
of 1944 and for the expenses of said Session, including mileage
of the members, printing, binding and miscellaneous expenses.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer of
the State shall, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, disburse
the said sum of money herein appropriated for the objects and
purposes herein specified, to or upon the order of the person
or persons entitled to receive the same.