their compensation; imposing certain duties on the Secre-
tary of State and the several Supervisors of Elections of the
counties and of Baltimore City in connection with the
carrying out of the provisions of this Act; authorizing
the Secretary of State and said Supervisors of Elections
to do any and all acts, the performance of which is com-
mitted to them by any federal statute or statutes providing
for voting by mail by such residents, and to accept any funds
made available by Congress to defray the costs and expenses
incurred in connection therewith; authorizing and empower-
ing the Secretary of State, the War Ballot Commission, cre-
ated by this Act, and all election officials of the State of
Maryland, to use any and all facilities, that may be fur-
nished by the United States, or any department, commission
or agency thereof, for the purpose of enabling such resi-
dents to register and vote by mail, as in this Act provided,
and generally to cooperate in every way with the military
and civil officers of the United States and all departments,
commissions and agencies thereof, to enable such persons
so to do; creating a War Ballot Commission and defining
the powers and authority thereof; making Sections 63 to 68,
both inclusive, of Article 33 of said Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), as amended, and all provisions of
law requiring the declaration of intention by such residents
inapplicable to such residents; providing that this Act shall
be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes; making
certain acts criminal offenses and prescribing penalties
therefor; suspending all laws inconsistent with this Act to
the extent of such inconsistency; providing for the sever-
ability of the various provisions of this Act; providing that
this Act shall terminate June 1, 1945, or upon the issuance
of a proclamation by the Governor as therein provided,
whichever the first occurs; and providing that this Act shall
take effect June 1,1944.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 304 to 315, both inclusive, of Article 33 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), as amended,
title "Elections", sub-title "Voting by Mail", be and the same
are hereby repealed. The repeal of these sections shall not
invalidate or in any way affect (a) the nominations of candi-
dates for any office, including Delegates to State Conventions
or primary meetings of any political party, (b) the election of
such Delegates, (c) any applications for ballots of all persons
entitled to apply for the same under said sections and under
this Act, or either of them, or (d) any other acts or things,