Extraordinary Session of 1944
At an Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly of
Maryland, begun and held in the City of Annapolis,
on the Sixth day of March, 1944, and ending on the
Tenth day of M'arch, 1944, the Honorable Herbert
R. O'Conor being Governor of the State, the follow-
ing laws were enacted, to wit:
(Senate Bill No. 1)
AN ACT to repeal, with certain limitations, Section 304 to
315, both inclusive, of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), as amended, title "Elections",
sub-title "Voting by Mail", and to add twenty-five new sec-
tions to said sub-title, said new sections to follow imme-
diately after Section 303 of said Article, to be under the
sub-title "Voting by Mail" and to be known as Sections 304
to 314, both inclusive, and Sections 314A to 314L, both
inclusive, of Article 33; validating the Proclamation issued
May 21, 1942, pursuant to Section 304 of Article 33 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition) and all acts
and things done under said Proclamation in accordance with
the provisions of Sections 305 to 315, both inclusive, of
said Article and of any other election laws of this State;
declaring the policy of the General Assembly in enacting this
Act; making certain definitions; providing, under certain
conditions, means of voting by mail at certain elections held
prior to June 1, 1945, by certain residents of the State of
Maryland absent and engaged in the military or naval serv-
ice of the United States, as in this Act defined, by reason of
a state of war; providing, under certain conditions, means
of registration by said residents; providing for the appoint-
ment of temporary Judges of Elections and temporary
Board of Registry and of substitute Supervisors of Elections
in certain cases, defining their powers and duties and fixing