179EEE. Said Justices appointed for the respective con-
solidated districts hereinbefore enumerated, shall maintain
an office for the transaction of business within the. confines of
and centrally located, in the largest incorporated town or
village within the districts for which they or either of them
are appointed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the object, pur-
pose and intention of this Act is to reduce the number of
Justices to four only, one for each of the consolidated dis-
tricts hereinbefore enumerated; and all Acts or; parts of Acts,
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act in so far. as they
relate to Justices of the Peace in said election districts herein-
before enumerated, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.
AN ACT to provide for taking at the General Election to be
held in the year 1930 the sense of the voters of this State
in regard to calling a Convention for altering the Constitu-
tion or for framing a new one according to the provisions
of Article XIV, Section 2, of the Constitution of this State,
as modified by Article XVII, Section 9, of the Constitution,
of this State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That at the general election to be held on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the year 1930
there shall be submitted to the legal and qualified voters of
this State, for their decision, the question whether; there shall
be called a convention for the purpose of altering the consti-
tution of this State or of framing a new constitution. There
shall be placed upon the ballots to be used at that election, in
the manner prescribed by the general election law of this
State the words "For a Constitutional Convention"; and
"Against a Constitutional Convention, " so that the voter may
clearly indicate in the manner prescribed in the general elec-