AN ACT to incorporate the town of Marydel, Caroline County,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the inhabitants of the town of Marydel, in
Caroline County, be and they are hereby created a body corpo-
rate by the name of the Commissioners of Marydel, with all the
powers and privileges of a body politic and corporate, and by
. said corporate name may have perpetual succession, and by
that name may sue and be sued, may purchase and hold real,
personal and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the
benefit of said town, and may have and use a common seal,
which may be altered at pleasure; the said corporation may
organize, proceed and act through its commissioners to be
selected, as hereafter provided.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said corporation
may receive in trust and may control for the purpose of said
trusts all money or other property which may be bestowed
upon such corporation by will, deed, or in any other form or
gift or conveyance, for any general corporation purpose, or in
aid of the indigent and poor or for charitable purposes within
said town, and the said corporation may lease or otherwise dis-
pose of any property which may hereafter be acquired by said
town, having first given public notice of such lease or sale in
one or more of the newspapers printed in Caroline County
once a week for three successive weeks before such lease or
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That the boundaries and
limits of said town shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning at
the Delaware line at a point marked by a persimmon tree op-
posite the R. R. crossing known as Fords crossing, thence run-
ning west 1, 200 feet to a marked point in front of the Henry
Steele home property on the Marydel Templeville Road, thence
running south 1, 575 feet to a marked point opposite the
Thomas Pritchett property on the Marydel Henderson Road,
thence running east 1, 350 feet to the Delaware line to a marked
point opposite the James A. Smith property, thence following
the Delaware line north to the place of the beginning, provided,
that no taxes shall be levied by the Commissioners of Marydel
upon the real estate situated in the said town unless the same