sued in denominations of One Hundred ($100) Dollars or any
multiple thereof, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding five
per centum (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually, in each
year during which said bonds shall be outstanding and remain
unpaid, to be signed by the President of the Board of County
Commissioners of said County, and countersigned by the Clerk
thereof (provided that the coupons for the interest thereon may
be authenticated by the engraved, lithographed or printed sig-
nature of the President of said Board of County Commission-
ers), to have the corporate seal of said Board of County Com-
missioners of Montgomery County affixed thereto, and to be
exempt from all State, County and municipal taxes. The said
bonds shall have written or printed on them a distinct refer-
ence to the Act authorizing the issue, and shall be designated
as "Montgomery County School Bonds of 1929. "
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners of Montgomery County are authorized and
empowered to issue the said bonds and sell the same at such
time and in such amounts as they may be called upon so to
do by the Board of Education of said County until the whole
amount of Four Hundred Seventy-five Thousand ($475, 000)
Dollars shall have been issued and sold. The said bonds shall
be issued in series maturing as said County Commissioners
shall determine, but none of said bond shall be issued for a
longer period than forty years from the date of issue.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in order to provide
for the selling of said bonds to be issued under the provisions
of this Act, the said Board of County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County, or a majority of them, are hereby directed
to advertise once a week four successive weeks before the
bonds or any part thereof shall be issued in such newspapers
as may be determined by the said Board, that the said Board
of County Commissioners will be in readiness at a certain time
within fifteen days after the expiration of said notice to re-
ceive bids at such place as may be named in said advertise-
ments, for bonds issued under the provisions of this Act, under
such regulations as may be made in the discretion of said
County Commissioners, or a majority of them, and the ac-
crued interest between the date of the bonds and the time of
sale and delivery of, and payment for, said bonds shall be
adjusted with the purchaser or purchasers thereof under such
regulations as may be made in the discretion of said County