Charles County, Maryland, be and they are hereby created a
body corporate, in the name of the Town Commissioners of
Cobb Island, with all the powers and privileges of a body
politic and corporate, and by said corporate name may have
perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
against in any Court of law or equity in said county, and
may have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the corporate
limits of said town of Cobb Island shall contain all the land
known as Cobb Island and bounded by Neales Creek, the
Wicomico River and the Potomac River.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the citizens of
said town of Cobb Island having the qualifications prescribed
for voters by the laws of this State, or having owned prop-
erty in said town six months previous to any municipal elec-
tion, shall annually on the first Monday in May elect three
citizens, taxpayers of said town of Cobb Island, who are
assessed on the tax books of said Charles County as owning
five hundred ($500. 00) dollars worth of property within the
corporate limits of said town of Cobb Island who shall have
resided in said town for twelve months next preceding said
election, as the Town Commissioners of Cobb Island to serve
for one year, from June 1st next succeeding their election or
until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Said
Town Commissioners shall receive no pay for their services
as such, and they shall continue to reside in said town dur-
ing their term of office; provided, however, that there shall
be no election of Town Commissioners in the month of May,
1929, but that F. W. Knessi, L. O. Slack and Henry Gilli-
gan, shall be and constitute the Town Commissioners of
Cobb Island, from and after the first day of June, 1929,
until the first day of June, 1930, subject to the provisions
of this Act, provided for the Town Commissioners elected
for all other times than as herein in this section set forth,
with power to fill vacancies occurring among their own num-
ber, or elsewhere in this Act set forth, for the Commissioners
elected as herein otherwise provided,
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Town Com-
missioners shall annually on or before the first Monday in
April each year, give notice by hand bills posted in conspic-
uous places in said town of Cobb Island or by publication in