accrued interest, and provided further that said County Com-
missioners, in their discretion shall have the right to reject any
and all bids,
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the actual cash
proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be used exclusively for
the following purposes, to wit:
(1) For the payment of the cost of the engraving or print-
ing of said bonds, and for the payment of the cost of the ad-
vertising authorized by this Act, and all other incidental ex-
penses connected with the issuance of said bonds.
(2) The remainder of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds
shall be paid over to the Howard County School Building Com-
mission, as created by this Act, and shall be used, expended
and applied by said Commission for the erection and equipment
of a high school building at Elkridge, and for the repair of the
other school buildings now owned by Howard County.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said School
Building Commission shall award the contract or contracts for
the erection of said new high school building at Elkridge, pro-
vided for in this Act, and equipping the same with heating
plant, lighting and water fixtures, to the lowest responsible
bidder or bidders therefor, respectively, after the said Com-
mission shall have advertised for bids therefor, provided said
Commission shall have the right to reject any or all bids. The
said School Building Commission shall require the successful
bidder or bidders to whom said contracts, or any of them, are
awarded, to make a contract in writing for the faithful per-
formance of his work, and said contractor or contractors shall
agree in said contract, to pay all labor employed by him or
them, on such building, and for all materials used in the con-
struction and equipping of the same, and shall give bond ac-
ceptable to said Commission, for the faithful performance of
his or their contract. The said School Building Commission
are hereby given full power and authority to employ an archi-
tect or architects, and to do all manner of things in connection
with the construction and equipping of said building, as may
be necessary. The repairing of the school buildings now owned
by Howard County may be done by contract or by day labor, as
said Commission may determine, and said Commission shall
not be under any obligation to advertise for bids for the doing
of said work, but may use its discretion in having the same
clone in the manner which it deems most advisable.