resignation or otherwise, of any member of the Board of Edu-
cation of Howard County shall be filled by the Governor as
now, or as may hereafter be, provided by law.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That in order to provide
for the selling of said bonds to be issued under the provisions
of this Act, the said Board of County Commissioners of Howard
County, or a majority of them, are hereby directed to advertise
once a week for four successive weeks before said bonds, or any
part thereof, shall be issued, in two daily newspapers published
in the City of Baltimore, and in such other newspaper or news-
papers as may be determined by the said Board of County
Commissioners, that the said Board of County Commissioners
will be in readiness at a certain time within fifteen days after
the expiration of said notice, to receive bids at such place as
may be named in said advertisements, for bonds issued under
the provisions of this Act, under such regulations as may be
made in the discretion of said County Commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, and the accrued interest between the date of
the bonds and the time of sale and delivery of, and payment
for, said bonds, shall be adjusted with the purchaser or pur-
chasers thereof, under such regulations as may be made in the
discretion of said County Commissioners, or a majority of
them; and at the time mentioned in said advertisements as the
time for opening the bids for the proposals thereby called for,
the said County Commissioners shall receive such sealed pro-
posals for the purchase of as many of such bonds as may be
mentioned or designated in said advertisements; and on the
opening of such sealed proposals, as many of said bonds as have
been so bid for, shall be awarded by said County Commission-
ers, or a majority of them, to the highest responsible bidder or
bidders therefor, for cash, if the prices bid are adequate in the
judgment of said County Commissioners, or a majority of
them; and when two or more bidders have made the same bid,
and such bid is the highest, and the bonds so bid for by the
highest responsible bidders are in excess of the whole amount
of the bonds offered for sale, such bonds shall be awarded to
such responsible bidders bidding the same price, in a ratable
proportion; and if any of said bonds so offered for sale are not
bid for, or if an insufficient price be bid for them, they may sub-
sequently be disposed of under the direction of said County
Commissioners, or a majority of them, at a private sale, upon
the best terms they can obtain for the same; provided said
bonds shall not be sold at private sale for less than par and