SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Fraternal Insurance
League of America, of Baltimore, Maryland, Incorporated,
to become a stock corporation and also to change the name of
the Fraternal Insurance League of America, of Baltimore,
Maryland, Incorporated, to The Mercantile Life Insurance
Company of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Fraternal Insurance League of America,
of Baltimore, Maryland, Incorporated, is hereby authorized,
with the consent of at least three-fourths of its directors, to
become a stock corporation, subject to the laws of this State
applicable to such corporations, and those prescribing the form
and manner of making amendments to articles of incorporation,
upon complying" with the following conditions and regulations:
Notice of the proposal so to change the form of the corporate
organization and of the meeting of the members of the corpo-
ration, its policy holders or certificate holders, or by whatever
name its members are known, to be held for the purpose of
taking action thereon, shall be given by publication stating the
time, place and object of said meeting, once a week for six
consecutive weeks in at least two newspaper of general circula-
tion published in the City of Baltimore.
At such meeting there shall be required, in order to effect the
change proposed, the affirmative vote in person, or the consent
in writing, of at least two-thirds of all the members of the
corporation and the concurrence of at least three-fourths of the
directors. At such meeting, if the proposed change be ap-
proved, the amount of the capital stock of the corporation shall
be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10, 000. 00) divided into Ten Thou-
sand (10, 000) shares of the par value of One Dollar ($1. 00)
each. The members', policy holders or certificate holders of
such corporation shall have the first right to subscribe to said
stock, subject to such equitable regulations as the directors may