AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 14 of
Chapter 426 of the Acts of 1927, said amendments relating to
the disposition of fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by
virtue of any ordinance of any incorporated town in Prince
George's County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 14 of Chapter 426 of the Acts of 1927, be and
it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, so as to
read as follows:
14. All fines, penalties and forfeitures of every kind, character
and description, for any and all offenses imposed by any and all
Justices of the Peace of Prince George's County, and by this
Act directed to be paid over to the Police Justice, or imposed
directly by the said Police Justice, or any Judge of the Circuit
Court for Prince George's County, under the provisions of any
Public General Law or Public Local Law of this State. Shall be
paid over to the County Comissioners for the use of Prince
George's County; and the said County Commissioners are here-
by authorized, empowered and directed to levy annually and
expend such sum or sums as may be necessary for the mainten-
ance of said Police Court, the salary of the said Police Justice
and the Clerk thereof, as well as the salary herein provided to
be paid the State's Attorney, and other expenses provided for in
this Act to be paid by said County Commissioners for the uses
and purposes as in this Act provided. Provided, however, that the
payment over of the fines, penalties or forfeitures to the County
Commissioners) by the Police Justice and the Clerk of the Police
Justice as herein provided, shall have no reference to, nor shall
it apply to the provisions of Section 4 of Article 38, title "Fines
and Forfeitures''; nor to Section 178 of Article 56, title "Li-
censes, " sub-title "Disposition of Fines and Other Receipts";
nor to any other section or sections of the Motor Vehicle Laws
of the State of Maryland, wherein said fines or forfeitures are
directed to be paid elsewhere; nor to any fines, penalties or
forfeitures directed by Article 99, title "Wild Fowl—Birds and
Game, " where said fines, penalties or forfeitures are directed to
be paid otherwise; nor to fine's, penalties or forfeitures directed
to be paid under Article 19A, title "Conservation of Natural
Resources, " nor to fines, penalties or forfeitures under the pro-
visions of Article 39, title "Fish and Fisheries, " as contained in
the Annotated Code of Public General Laws of Maryland; nor to
fines, penalties or forfeitures as contained in any ordinance of
any incorporated town in Prince George's County.