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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 567   View pdf image (33K)
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members elected to each of the two Houses of the General
Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date of its pas-

Approved April 11, 1929.


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 17
of Chapter 508 of the Acts of 1924, incorporating the town
of North Brentwood, Prince George's County, by authoriz-
ing an increase in the tax rate which may be levied by the
Mayor and City Council of said town and providing for a
referendum thereon.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
That Section 17 of Chapter 508 of the Acts of 1924,
incorporating the town of North Brentwood, Prince George's
County, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:

17. The Mayor and Council shall have power to levy, on
or before the 30th day of June for each year, the tax year
commencing the first day of July, taxes at such rates as they
may find necessary for anticipated expenses for the coming
fiscal year, not to exceed thirty cents on the one hundred
dollars assessed valuation, based on the State and County as-
sessments for all purposes, and all taxes so levied shall be a
lien on any and all property of the person, company or corpora-
tion against whom they may be levied, and the taxes for each
year are payable on the first day of July next succeeding the
levy thereof, and will be in arrears and subject to a legal in-
terest from and after that elate.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall be
submitted to the qualified voters of said town of North Brent-
wood at the regular town election to be held in July, 1929, for
adoption or rejection. The manner of submission shall be,
that on the ballots at said regular town election, there shall be
printed the words "For Increasing Tax Rate, " with a blank
square opposite at the right, and "Against Increasing Tax
Rate, " and all the voters desiring to vote for the provisions of


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 567   View pdf image (33K)
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