At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun and
held in the City of Annapolis, on the Second Day of
January, 1929, and ending on the First Day of April,
1929, the Honorable Albert C. Ritchie, being Governor
of the State, the following Laws were enacted, to wit:
AN ACT to vest in the committee heretofore appointed by the
Governor of Maryland for the investigation of the affairs of
the State Roads Commission, and herein confirmed, the fur-
ther power to summon and examine witnesses, to require the
production of books, documents, accounts and papers, to pro-
vide penalties for failure to comply with the provisions of
this Act, and to regulate the meetings of such committee and
what shall constitute a quorum thereof.
WHEREAS, a committee composed of John J. Nelligan, George
M. Shriver, Jonathan K. Voshell and Edwin G. Baetjer has
heretofore been appointed by the Governor of Maryland to in-
vestigate the affairs of the State Roads Commission, with the
purpose of ascertaining any thefts or wrongful diversions or
uses of money, supplies or other property of said State Roads
Commission which may have occurred; the procedure, legality
and propriety of purchases and of the award of contracts, and
also the performance of contracts and the payments there-
under; the accounting methods and business procedure of the
State Roads Commission; and any and all other acts of said
State Roads Commission which the investigating committee
herein referred to may deem proper to investigate in the public
interest; therefore:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That said investigating committee, in addition to
the powers and authority mentioned in the preamble of this
Act, which are hereby confirmed, be and the same is further