SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all funds in the
State Treasury at the end of each fiscal year, which are not di-
rectly obligated by some specific appropriation herein or here-
inbefore made, shall, at the end of each fiscal year, revert to
the general Treasury of the State, whether the same be now
carried as special funds or general funds; provided, however,
that this section shall not apply to the State Accident Fund,
nor to the State Game Protection Fund, nor to the receipts
from the Public School Tax which may be in the Treasury
prior to the beginning of the fiscal year in which they are ap-
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That where any increase
is made herein in any salaries fixed by any Act of the General
Assembly heretofore enacted, the passage of this Act shall
operate as an amendment to such Act to the extent of such in-
crease. Any item of an appropriation hereinafter made pro-
viding for any salary not fixed by the Constitution of the State
may be altered or changed with the consent of the Governor
by the filing of an amended schedule as hereinafter set out;
provided, that the salary of no officer shall be decreased during
his term of office.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That no State depart-
ment, board, commission, officer, institution, or other agency,
shall exceed the amount of its appropriation made herein, ex-
cept in the manner and to the extent for which provision is
made in Section Three hereof. If any such State department,
board, commission, officer, institution or other agency shall ex-
ceed the amount of its appropriation there shall be no reim-
bursement of such excess nor shall there be any liability or
obligation upon the State to make any appropriation hereafter
to meet such deficit, and the officer or members of such board,
commission, department or agency, or of the governing body
of such State institution who have made any such excessive
expenditures, shall, in the discretion of the Governor, be
deemed guilty of neglect of official duty and shall be subject to
removal therefor.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the items and
amounts which are hereafter set out to show the methods of
making up any appropriation do not constitute appropriations,
but represent the initial plan of disbursement and apportion-
ment of the appropriations of which they are part. Each ap-