SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth
the several amounts hereinafter named as "appropriations, " or
so much thereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposes
designated, are hereby appropriated and authorized to be paid
to the respective departments, boards, commissions and officers
of the State, and to the respective schools and institutions, and
for the several purposes specified, for the fiscal year beginning
October 1, 1929, and ending September 30th, 1930, and for
the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1930, and ending Sep-
tember 30th, 1931, as hereinafter indicated.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That every department,
board, commission, officer or institution receiving an appro-
priation hereunder shall notify the Comptroller at least ten
days before the end of the fiscal year for which such appro-
priation is made, whether and to what extent the unexpended
balance of such appropriation, if any there will be at the end
of said fiscal year, is needed to meet obligations incurred dur-
ing that year and which will be unpaid at the end thereof.
Any unexpended balance of such appropriation, against which
there will be no such outstanding obligations at the end of the
fiscal year, shall revert to the Treasury of the State at the end
of the fiscal year; provided, however, that appropriations for
the acquisition of land, buildings, equipment and new con-
struction shall be available for such purposes subsequent to the
fiscal year for which the same are made, if approval of the
Governor is obtained before the end of such fiscal year; other-
wise such appropriation which may be unexpended or unap-
propriated as above set out shall revert in the same manner
and to the same extent as other appropriations.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any additional
funds from any source whatever in excess of the appropria-
tions herein made shall come into the hands of any depart-
ment, board, commission, officer, or institution of the State,
the same may be expended by such department, board, com-
mission, officer or institution, with the approval of the Gov-
ernor; any such excess not so expended shall revert to the
Treasury of the State at the end of the fiscal year in which
the same is received by such department, board, commission,
officer or institution, unless there shall be an outstanding obli-
gation against the same incurred with the approval of the