ruary 15, 1930, and $430, 000 from the issue of August 15,
To the Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission, for
construction of cottage at the Eastern Shore Tuberculosis Sana-
torium, $8, 000. At the Henryton Sanitorium for new flooring,
$3, 000; garage, $2, 500; doctors' cottage, $2, 000; improve-
ments to grounds, $1, 000; and ward equipment, $3, 300, total-
ing $11, 800. At the Mt. Wilson Sanatorium for new roofs,
$3, 500; elevator, $5, 500; refrigeration plant, $11, 800; dumb
waiter, $1, 700; kitchen equipment, $9, 200; X-Ray machine,.
$2, 200; operating room equipment, $800; water supply, $15, -
000; construction of roads, $16, 600; purchase of screens, $2, -
200; lighting fixtures, $1, 500, and household equipment, $10, -
400, totaling $80, 200, aggregating to the three institutions,
$100, 000, of which $30, 000 shall be from the issue of Au-
gust 15, 1929; $30, 000 from the issue of February 15, 1930,
and $40, 000 from the issue of August 15, 1930.
To the Adjutant General, for the acquisition of a lot or lots
of ground, at Chestertown, and for the erection thereon of. a
State Armory and other suitable building or buildings, and the
equipment of same; and for the repairs, alterations and addi-
tions to armories located throughout the State, and at the new
State Reservation at Cascade, Washington County, and for the
equipment of same, $260, 000, of which $50, 000 shall be from
the issue of February 15, 1930 and $210, 000 from the issue
of August 15, 1930. "
To the Annapolis Emergency Hospital, for the completion
of new building, $25, 000, from the issue of February 15, 1930.
To the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City, for re-
pairs to the Iceboat "Annapolis, " $48, 000, from the issue of
August 15, 1929.
To the State Tobacco Warehouse, for new fire shutters and:
for supporting columns, $6, 000, from the issue of February
15, 1930, and for the repair, alteration and improvements to-
said warehouses, $140, 000, from the issue of August 15, 1930.
To the University of Maryland (College Park), for the con-
struction and equipment of a horticultural building, $150, 000;
for the construction and equipment of a central power plant,,
$200, 000; for the construction and equipment of a dormitory,
$125, 000; for the purchase of land, $70, 000, and for the con-
struction of an addition to the engineering building, $100, 000,
aggregating $645, 000, of which $70, 000 shall be from the
issue of February 15, 1930, and $575, 000 from the issue of
August 15, 1930.