STATEMENT "A"—Continued.
Employment Commission.............................
491. 08
491. 08
Executive Department — Governor.....................
519. 70
519. 70
Executive Department — Secretary of State.............
379. 52
379. 52
Game Department....................................
152, 800. 33
152, 800. 33
Land Office..........................................
3, 438. 52
3, 438. 52
Maryland Agricultural Society.........................
93. 19
93. 19
Maryland Bureau of Mines.............................
516. 00
516. 00
Maryland Racing Commission..........................
688, 287. 07
688, 287. 07
Maryland State Board of Forestry......................
56, 170. 47
56, 170. 47
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium....................
60, 682. 44
60, 682. 44
Maryland State Board of Motion Picture Censors.......
37, 371. 54
37, 371. 54
Maryland School for the Deaf.........................
1, 284. 67
1, 284. 67
Maryland Weather Service.............................
13. 60
13. 60
Military Department..................................
22, 919. 81
22, 919. 81
Public Service Commission............................
589. 32
589. 32
Southern Maryland Immigration Commission...........
166. 67
166. 67
State Aided Institutions...............................
61, 958. 78
61, 958. 78
State Auditor.........................................
250. 00
250. 00
State Board of Labor and Statistics....................
2, 349. 28
2, 349. 28
State Department of Education........................
180, 208. 22
180, 208. 22
State Department of Health............................
64, 285. 46
64, 285. 46
State Geological and Economic Survey Commission.....
1, 235. 76
1, 235. 76
State Hay Scales......................................
12. 61
12. 61
State Industrial Accident Commission..................
105, 406. 75
105, 406. 75
State Insurance Department...........................
1, 173, 477. 70
1, 173, 477. 70
State Library.........................................
264. 41
264. 41
State Tax Commission.................................
817. 75
817. 75
State Tobacco Inspector...............................
91, 824. 51
91, 824. 51