Collateral Inheritance Tax............................
746, 870, 05
746, 870. 05
Tax on Commissions of Executors and Administrators..
200, 177, 88
200, 177. 88
State Hospitals, Training Schools, Sanatoriums, Etc.
Crownsville State Hospital............................
92, 766. 87
92, 766. 87
Eastern Shore State Hospital..........................
38, 500. 23
38, 500. 23
Maryland Training School for Boys....................
53, 952. 36
53, 952. 36
Montrose School for Girls.............................
23, 776. 01
23, 776. 01
Rosewood State Training School.......................
6, 624. 74
6, 624. 74
Springfield State Hospital.............................
268, 409. 82
268, 409. 82
Spring Grove State Hospital............................
134, 339. 64
134, 339. 64
State Departments, Etc.
Athletic Commission.................................
15, 679. 78
15, 679. 78
Bank Commissioner..................................
33, 922. 66
33, 922. 66
Board of Examiners, Chiropractic......................
3, 354. 01
3, 354. 01
Board of Examiners, Dental...........................
1, 960. 00
1, 960. 00
Board of Examiners, Electrical Supervisors............
4, 774. 56
4, 774. 56
Board of Examiners, Engineers........................
4, 455. 00
4, 455. 00
Board of Examiners, Medical..........................
5, 065. 00
5, 065. 00
Board of. Examiners, Motion Picture Operators.........
1, 820. 00
1, 820. 00
Board of Examiners, Nurses...........................
7, 665. 50
7, 665. 50
Board of Examiners, Optometry........................
1, 010. 00
1, 010. 00
Board of Examiners, Pharmacy........................
2, 857. 00
2, 857. 00
Board of Examiners, Public Accountants...............
1, 555. 94
1, 555. 94
Board of Examiners, Undertakers.....................
4, 478. 74
4, 478. 74
Board of Examiners, Veterinary.......................
80. 00
80. 00
Board of Public Works................................
506. 40
506. 40
Central Purchasing Bureau............................
236. 35
236. 35
Clerk of Court of Appeals.............................
2, 155. 98
2, 155. 98
Conservation Commission.............................
131, 778. 38
131, 778. 38