Banner, " namely Fort McHenry, was dedicated as a National
Shrine on September 12, 1928; therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Congress of the United States be earnestly requested to take
appropriate action whereby the "Star-Spangled Banner" may
be declared to be the National Anthem of the United States
of America; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the State of Maryland be
and he is hereby requested to transmit under the Great Seal
of this State, a copy of the aforegoing resolution to the Presi-
dent of the United States, the President of the Senate, the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to each of the
Representatives from Maryland, in both Houses of Congress.
Approved March 8, 1929.
NO. 4.
A Joint Resolution memorializing the Congress of the United
States to amend the Copyright Law.
WHEREAS, Under the present Copyright Act a person who
has copyrighted a musical composition has not only the exclu-
sive right to print, reprint, publish, copy and vend that compo-
sition, but the additional right to use that composition publicly
for profit; and
WHEREAS, The Copyright Act provided that the copyright
proprietor may recover a sum in certain cases of as much as
one hundred dollars, from the offender for the infringement of
this exclusive right to use the composition publicly for profit;
WHEREAS, Protected by this Act certain copyright pro-
prietors in addition to the purchase price, charge unreasonable
and exorbitant prices for permission to use the composition
publicly for profit: and
WHEREAS, The various copyright proprietors have formed an
organization known as the American Society of Composers,