WHEREAS, he was again elected as Chief Judge of the said
First Judicial Circuit on the second day of November, 1926,
for another full term of fifteen years; and
WHEREAS, the said, the Honorable John R. Pattison, has,
since the time of his appointment, as aforesaid, discharged his
duties as Chief Judge of said First Judicial Circuit and acted,
and is now acting, in said office with conspicuous ability, and
will, on the sixth day of January, 1930, attain the age of
seventy years, when his term of office will expire, unless it is
extended by the General Assembly of the State by resolution
pursuant to Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution of the
State; and
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the State of Maryland,
reposing the fullest confidence in the ability, integrity, wisdom
and sound legal knowledge of the said Honorable John R.
Pattison, deems it compatible with the public welfare to extend
his term of service; therefore.
SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the term of service of the Honorable John R.
Pattison, Chief Judge of the First Judicial Circuit of the State
of Maryland, be and the same is hereby extended until the
Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in the year 1934,
and until his successor is elected and qualified.
Approved February 4, 1929.
NO. 3.
A Joint Resolution recommending to the Congress of the
United States that the "Star-Spangled Banner" be declared
to be the National Anthem of the United States of America.
WHEREAS, the "Star-Spangled Banner" has by acclaim of
the people of our Country and by general consent of the civil-
ized governments of the world, been recognized as the National
Anthem of the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, under the leadership of The Society of the War
of 1812 in Maryland, supported by the patriotic societies of
the country generally, the birthplace of the "Star-Spangled