To the deed dated February 23, 1929 and recorded among the
Land Records of said Cecil County in Liber S. R. A. No. 5,
folio 573, etc., conveying without restriction as to user, all that
certain piece or parcel of land situate on the west side of Main
Street, in said town of North Bast, containing one and one-tenth
acres of land, and adjoining the cemetery aforesaid and extend-
ing back to North East Creek, which is particularly described in
said piece and parcel of land erected and being.
To a deed dated May 21, 1928, from Thomas E. Smith and
wife, to Cyrus Gwathney and others as individuals, and to a
deed from Cyrus Gwathney and other to the Providence Baptist
Church of Baltimore, recorded in the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. No. 4882, folio 357, etc., (first deed), and
that from Gwathney and others in S. C. L. No. 4882, folio 362.
To the bequest contained in the last will and testament of
Philip B. Snader, deceased, bearing date of December 4, 1918,
and recorded among the Will Records of Carroll County in Liber
W. F. B. No. 13, folio 414, etc., in the sum of One Hundred
Dollars ($100) to the trustees of the Pipe Creek Congregation
of the German Baptist Brethren in Carroll County, the income
to be used for the care and upkeep of the burial lot of said
testator in cemetery of said corporation called the Pipe Creek
Brethren Cemetery, and located, near Uniontown, Carroll
County, in the State of Maryland.
To the several bequests and devises contained in the last will
and testament of Ella T. Granger, deceased, of Baltimore City,
to the First Christian Church of Baltimore City, incorporated,
as the Trustees of the congregation of the Disciples of Jesus
Christ in the City and precincts of Baltimore; the said will be-
ing recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore
City in Liber E. R. D. No. 146, folio 380.
To the following devise and bequest contained in the last will
and testament of Grace Winchester Fisher, which will is re-
corded in the Office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City,
To the endowment fund of the First Presbyterian Church,.
Baltimore, otherwise known as the Committee of the Presby-
terian Church in the City of Baltimore, the sum of Five Hun-
dred Dollars ($500).
To the deed from the Trustees of the Presbytery of Baltimore
to Edna Temple Carroll, of Harford County and State of Mary-
land, which deed was dated the fifth day of March 1929, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Harford County, in Liber
No. 211, folio 380.