leases, conveyances and deeds, to and from certain persons and
bodies corporate to and for the use of certain ministerial per-
sons, religious and educational corporations, orders, denomina-
tions and sects, and to certain charitable institutions hereinafter
named as herein set forth:
To the bequest of One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000), contained
in the last will and testament of George A. Stockton, deceased,
of Frederick County, to the St. Luke Lutheran Cemetery of
Feagaville, Md., for the upkeep of the Cemetery grounds ad-
joining the church; said Will being recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills of Frederick County in Liber G. E. S. No. 2,
folio 355.
To a deed from The Southland Building Company to the
Minister, Consistory or Trustees of the Fourth German Re-
formed or St. John's Church of Baltimore City, dated January
5, 1929 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in liber S. C. L. No. 4963, folio 288.
To a deed dated January 10, 1929 and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 4964,
folio 34, etc., from The Twenty-fifth Street Christian Church
to The Church Extension Society of The Central Pennsylvania
Conference of the Evangelical Church, a body corporate, of a
certain lot of ground and improvements thereon on the north-
west corner of Twenty-fifth Street and Hunter Alley, Baltimore,
Maryland, fronting forty-nine (49) feet on Twenty-fifth Street
and one hundred and fifty (150) feet on Hunter Alley, be and
the same is hereby ratified and -confirmed.
To the grant of a certain lot of ground situated in Baltimore
County, described in a deed from Paul R. Barnaby and Helen
V. Barnaby, this wife, to the Third Church of the United
Brethren in Christ of Baltimore City, which said deed bears
date on the twenty-second day of December, in the year 1925,
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County
in Liber W. P. C. No. 627, folio 468.
To a certain Deed bearing the date of the twenty-second (22)
day of September, 1927, and recorded. among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L, No. 4955, folio 271 from the
Church Extension Society of the Central Pennsylvania Con-
ference of the Evangelical Church to Grace Evangelical Church
of Baltimore City, a body corporate of a certain lot of ground
on the northeast corner of Preston and Wilcox Streets, Balti-
more, Maryland, fronting fifty-three (53) feet on Preston Street
and seventy (70) feet on Wilcox Street, the same is hereby rati-
fied and confirmed.