upon a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of all mem-
bers elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly,
the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 8, 1929.
AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Somerset
County to pay any bills for work done and/or materials
furnished for the public roads and bridges of said county
during the fiscal year of said county ending on June 30,
1928, out of the road funds levied for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1929.
WHEREAS, Certain bills for work done and/or materials fur-
nished for the public roads and bridges of Somerset County
during the fiscal year of said county ending June 30, 1928,
exceeded the road taxes levied for said period; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Somerset County
be and they are hereby authorized to pay out of the funds
levied for roads and bridges in said county for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1929, any bills for work done and/or materials
furnished for the public roads and bridges of said county dur-
ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, in excess of the
amount levied for said purposes for that year.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the imme-
diate preservation of the public health and safety, and being
passed upon by a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths
of all the members elected to each of the two Houses of the
General Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date of
its passage.
Approved April 2, 1929.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
1 and 2 of Article 92 of the Annotated Code of Maryland