than $25 nor more than $100, and shall stand committed to
the county jail or the Baltimore City Jail until such fine and
costs are paid; and all boats, nets, seines or other equipment
used for the purpose of violating any of the above sections
shall be declared forfeited, and the fines and forfeitures shall
be disposed of as provided for in Section 9. '
Sec. 64. Seasons. No person or persons shall fish for any
game or fresh water fishes except in the manner and time as
hereinafter provided. The open season for all species of trout
shall be from the 1st day of April to the 30th day of June, both
dates inclusive, subject to the following exceptions: the follow-
ing named fresh water fishes, viz: suckers, catfish, carp, eels
and gudgeon may be taken between the 1st clay of February
and the 31st day of May, both dates inclusive, with rod, hook
and line, and between the 1st day of February and the 31st day
of March, both dates inclusive, by the use of dip nets, by resi-
dents of the State only, and when licensed as hereinafter pro-
vided; provided that under the same terms and conditions, in
Washington County, the same fish may be taken in the Poto-
mac River between the 1st day of February and the 30th
day of April, both dates inclusive, except that dip nets are
prohibited in the waters of Garrett County; and all manner of
fishing is prohibited except with hook and line in that portion
of the Susquehanna River bounded on the upper side by Cono-
wingo Dam and on the lower side by what is known as Hogback
Shoals, which shoals extend from McGibney's Lock on the old
Tidewater Canal on the Harford side to a point about one mile
above Canal Station on the Columbia Branch of the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad, on the Cecil side of said river; provided, that
nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the use
of dip or landing net or seine not over six feet in length nor
greater than three feet in depth for the purposes of catching
bait fish.
It shall be lawful to fish for eels by use of a slat basket
(commonly known as the Chesapeake Bay eel pot) at any time,
and the open season on bass of all species and other game and
fresh water fish shall be between the 1st day of July and the
30th day of November, both dates inclusive, and then only by
means of rod, hook and line, except in that part of the Youghio-