corporation, are hereby authorized and empowered in their dis-
cretion (and subject to the provision of Section Five of this Act,
to borrow upon the faith and credit of said Town, a sum not
to exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of putting
improved concrete streets in the town of Centreville and to issue
coupon bonds in the name of said corporation for the amount
so borrowed, each bond to be issued for the sum of One Thou-
sand Dollars, and to be signed in the name of said corporation
by the President thereof, and the seal of said corporation is to
be affixed to each bond by said Commissioners; but the coupons
for interest may be authenticated by the engraved, lithographed
or printed signature of the treasurer of said corporation. Said
bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually in each and every year, and dated
on the first day of their issue. Said bonds shall be numbered
consecutively, and Bond No. 1 shall be due and payable one
year from the date of issue, and thereafter one bond shall mature
and be payable in each consecutive year from the maturity of
Bond No. 1, in the order of their consecutive numbers. Said
bonds shall have printed on them a distinct reference to this
Act as directing their issue. Said bonds shall be exempt from all
State, municipal and county taxes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in negotiating the
sale of the said bonds provided for in this Act, the said Town
Commissioners of Centreville shall first give not less than three
weeks' notice by advertisement in two newspapers printed and
published in Queen Anne's County, also by advertisement in
one or more newspapers printed and published in Baltimore
City, inviting proposals in writing for the purchase of said
bonds, and on a certain day to be named in said advertisement,
said Town Commissioners of Centreville shall in their office in
the town of Centreville, Queen Anne's County, Maryland, open
all bids received, and the said bonds shall be disposed of to the
highest bidder for cash at not less than the par value and
accrued interest thereof; and shall have power to refuse and
reject any and all bids, and to re-offer the same bonds or any
part thereof as above provided or otherwise, in their discretion,
if the said bids received under the first offer are below the par
value with accrued interest; provided, that the said bonds shall
not be disposed of by the said Town Commissioners at less than
their par value together with accrued interest thereon.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
redeeming said bonds at maturity and for the securing of the
prompt payment of the interest thereon, the Town Commis-
sioners of Centreville shall levy a special tax on each One Hun-
dred Dollars of the assessed value of all property, real and per-