SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 182 of Article 56 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, 1924 Edition, title "Licenses, " sub-title
"Motor Vehicles, " as said section was amended by Chapter
520 of the Acts of 1927, be and hereby is repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
182. The following fees shall be paid per annum to the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles for the markers and certifi-
cates of registration issued by him in accordance with the pro-
visions of this sub-title.
Class A. Thirty-two (32c. ) cents per horse power or frac-
tion thereof in the case of all motor vehicles having pneu-
matic tires.
Class B. For each motor vehicle equipped wholly or in
part with solid tires propelled by other than internal com-
bustible engines and having a rated carrying capacity of not
more than 2, 000 pounds, $20. 00; of not more than 3, 000
pounds, $30. 00; of not more than 4, 000 pounds, $40. 00; of
not more than 5, 000 pounds, $50. 00; of not more than 6, 000
pounds, $60. 00; of not more than 7, 000 pounds, $70. 00; of
not more than 8, 000 pounds, $80. 00; of not more than 9, 000
pounds, $90. 00; of not more than 10, 000 pounds, $110. 00;
of not more than 12, 000 pounds, $300. 00 and of not more
than 14, 000 pounds, $500. 00; for each motor vehicle equipped
in whole or in part with solid tires propelled by internal com-
bustible engines and having a rated carrying capacity of not
more than 2, 000 pounds, $10. 00; of not more than 3, 000
pounds, $15. 00; of not more than 4, 000 pounds, $20. 00; of
not more than 5, 000 pounds, $25. 00; of not more than 6, 000
pounds, $30. 00; of not more than 7, 000 pounds, $40. 00; of
not more than 8, 000 pounds, $50. 00; of not more than 9, 000
pounds, $62. 50; of not more than 10, 000 pounds, $75. 00; of
not more than 12, 000 pounds, $300. 00; and of not more than
14, 000 pounds, $500. 00; for each motor vehicle equipped with
six wheels and wholly or in part with solid tires propelled by
other than internal combustible engines and having a rated
carrying capacity of not more than 20, 000 pounds, $330. 00,
and for each motor vehicle equipped with six wheels and
wholly or in part with solid tires propelled by internal combust-
ible engines, and having a rated carrying capacity of not more
than 20, 000 pounds, $165. 00. Whenever the rated carrying
capacity is in excess of any of the above figures, the vehicle