AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Cum-
berland to issue bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand
($50, 000. 00) Dollars for the purpose of building a central
fire station, in the City of Cumberland, Maryland, and to
provide for the advertisement and sale of the same and the
redemption of same at maturity, together with the interest
thereon when and as the same becomes due and payable, and
repealing any Act or part thereof inconsistent herewith.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland,
Maryland, be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to
issue bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand ($50, 000. 00)
Dollars, payable at the end of twenty years from the date of
issue, and to sell the same in whole or in part, and to apply
the proceeds thereof as hereinafter provided; said bonds to be
of the denomination of One Thousand ($1, 000. 00) Dollars
each, and shall be exempt from City, County and State taxes,
and shall bear interest at the rate of not more than five per
cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and for which proper
interest coupons are to be attached to said bonds; said bonds
shall be signed by the Mayor of the City of Cumberland and
duly attested by the City Clerk, with the corporate seal of the
City thereunto attached.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
paying the interest of said bonds, and retiring said bonds at
maturity, said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall
assess against the assessable property in the City of Cumber-
land in each year during the continuance of said bonds a sum
of money sufficient to pay the interest upon said bonds, and
such further sum as may be required for the purpose of finally
retiring said bonds at maturity, and shall deposit said principal
sum with the Trustees of the Sinking Fund of the City of
Cumberland, and it shall be the duty of the Trustees of the
Sinking Fund to invest such sums so paid to them for said
purpose, together with all interest which may accrue, in proper
securities, and they shall have power to purchase bonds issued
hereunder for said Sinking Fund.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
City Council of Cumberland shall cause proper advertisement