fined in this Act at certain future dates when the said area
is added to the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That before any park or power development shall
be commenced or any additional roads or highways constructed
within the area hereinafter defined in Montgomery County,
Maryland, the consent and approval of the Maryland-Na-
tional Capital Park and Planning Commission shall first be
secured by any public or private agency proposing to make
such a park, power or highway development. Action by the
said commission in approving or disapproving projects under
the provisions of this Act shall be based on and have a direct
relation to the health, safety, morals or welfare of the people
residing in the area hereinafter defined, and the people inhabit-
ing the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District, as the
said District was defined by Chapter 448 of the Laws of Mary-
land of 1927. In exercising the powers vested in it by this
Act the commission shall be guided and limited by the consid-
erations set forth in Section 4 of Chapter 448 of the Laws of
1927 relative to establishing a plan for the physical develop-
ment of the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District.
The boundaries of the said area shall be as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the westernmost
boundary line of the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan Dis-
trict with the Maryland-Virginia boundary line on the south
side of the Potomac River and running thence along and with
the said Maryland-Virginia boundary line to a point on the
said Maryland-Virginia boundary line at the intersection of
the said boundary line with a straight line produced south-
westerly from the point of intersection of the center of the
Falls Road and the center of the road running westerly and
northwesterly from Scotland in Montgomery County, through
Oak Spring Lock Triangulation Station, thence northeasterly
along said line produced to the point of intersection of Falls
Road and the center of the road running westerly and north-
westerly from Scotland in Montgomery County, thence due
south along the westernmost boundary line of the Maryland-
Washington Metropolitan District to the point of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the General As-
sembly of Maryland hereby declares the legislative intent to
add the area defined in Section 1 of this Act to the Maryland-
Washingtoii Metropolitan District in the year 1931, and after