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Session Laws, 1809
Volume 570, Appendix 6   View pdf image
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timore county, in whose custody the said David C. Stewart and

Lloyd Buchanan are confined, to bring the said David C. Stewart
2nd Lloyd Buchanan immediately before the said court, or judges,
as the case may be, for the purpose of taking the oath hereafter
inentioned; and in case the said David C. Steuart, Lloyd Bucha-
nan and William P. Stewart, shall then and there before the said
court, or judge, make and subscribe the following oath, or affirma-
tion, to wit: "We, David C. Stewart; Lloyd Buchanan and Willi-
"am F. Stewart, do swear, (or solemnly, sincerely and truly af-
"firm and declare,) that we will deliver up, convey and transfer,
"to our creditors, in such manner as the county court of Baltimore,
"(or judge, as the case may be,) shall direct, all our property,
"which we have or claim any title to, or interest in, at this time,
"and all debts, rights and claims, which we have or are in anyway
"entitled to, in possession, remainder or reversion, and that we have
"not, directly or indirectly, any time sold, conveyed, lessened
"or disposed of5 for the use or benefit of any person or per-
"sons, or intrusted, any part of our money, or other property,
"debts, rights or claims, thereby to defraud our creditors, or any
"of them, or to secure the same, or receive or expert any profit,
"benefit or advantage thereby," the said court, or judge, as the case
may he, shall thereupon direct that the bodies of the said David C.
Stewart and Lloyd Buchanan shall be discharged from the custody
of the said sheriff; and the said court, or judge, as the case may be,
shall name such person as a majority of the creditors of the said
David C. Stewart, Lloyd Buchanan and William P. Stewart, or
their agents or attornies, shall recommend, to be the trustee for the
benefit of the creditors of the said David C. Stewart, Lloyd Bu-
chanan and William P. Stewart; and in case no recommendation as
aforesaid shall be made by the said creditors, their agents or at-
tornies, the said court, or judge, as the case may be, shall nomi-
nate and appoint such person as the said court, or judge, shall think
proper, to be trustee as aforesaid,

CHAP 11.

3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before such trustee proceeds to
act, he shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duty, to
such person, in trust for the creditors of the said petitioning debt-
ors, and in such penalty as the said court, or judge as aforesaid,
shall direct, which shall he recorded in Baltimore county court,
and a copy thereof, certified under the hand of the clerk of the said
court, shall be good evidence in any court of law or equity of this
state; and if any trustee, appointed by virtue of this act, shall re-
fuse to act, or die, or neglect to give bond as aforesaid in a reason-
able time, to be judged of by the said court, or judge as aforesaid,
or be removed for misbehaviour, the said court, or judge as aforesaid,
shall appoint such other person as the said court, or judge as afore-
said, shall think proper, in his place, who shall give bond as afore-
said, and on giving such bond in case the said David C. Stewart,
Lloyd Buchanan and William F. Stewart, had conveyed their pro -
perty to the former trustee, he shall be immediately vested with all
the property, of every kind. and all debts, rights and credits, of
the said David C.Stewart, Lloyd Buchanan and William P. Stew-
art, as completely as the former trustee was vested with the same.

Trustee to give
bond, &c.

4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That upon the executing and acknow-
ledging a deed by the said David C. Stewart, Lloyd Buchanan and

Upon executing a
deed of all their
property to trus

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Session Laws, 1809
Volume 570, Appendix 6   View pdf image
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