JUNE 1809*
Passed June 9
An Ad to lay out a Road therein mentioned. Lib. TH. No, 2, fol. 128.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, by
the petition of sundry inhabitants of Baltimore and Harford coun-
ties, that a road from David Lee's mills to Onion's works, would
be of great advantage to them, and to the public in general: therefore
Commissioners ap-
pointed to survey
and lay out a road
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Annanias Divers, John Buck and David Lee, be and they are
hereby appointed commissioners to survey and lay out, at the ex-
pense of the persons who are benefitted by the same, a road, not
exceeding thirty feet in width, beginning at or near David Lee's.
mill, thence running by Tyson's mill, thence by Reed's and Davis's
forge, and as near the side of the Little Gunpowder Falls as prac-
ticable, to intersect the post-road leading to Baltimore town, near
the bridge at Onion's works; and the said road, when so laid out,
and the valuation herein after directed to be made shall have taken
place, arid recorded by the clerks of Baltimore and Harford coun-
ties, shall for ever thereafter be deemed and taken as a public
highway, and kept in repair as other public roads are in said
Damages to be as-
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, shall ascertain and value what damages may be
sustained by any person or persons through whose land the said
road shall pass, taking into consideration the advantages and dis-
advantages, if any, and the same, when so assessed, shall be paid
by the person or persons who may apply to have the said road laid
out, straightened and amended as aforesaid, to the person or per-
sons entitled to receive the same; Provided the said road shall not
he opened through the buildings, orchards or gardens, of any person
or persons, without his, her or their consent.
Passed June 9
An Act for the relief of Jacob Gettig, an Insolvent Debtor. Lib.
TH. No. 2, fol. 129.
WHEREAS it appears by the petition of Jacob Gettig, of the city
of Baltimore, to this general assembly, that be is now confined in
the gaol of Baltimore county for debts which he is unable to pay,
and hath set forth in his petition, that he is in such a state of de-
bility as to endanger his life by confinement; that a rigorous con-
struction of the law intended for the benefit of insolvent debtors,
by the court of Baltimore county, he is prevented from obtaining
the advantages intended by that law, and prays to be released from
confinement; and which appearing reasonable, therefore,
Sheriff authorised
to release him from
prison, &c.
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the sheriff of Baltimore county be and he is hereby authorised and
required to release the body of Jacob Gettig from prison, on his
giving such security for his appearance before Baltimore county
court, at its first session after the third Monday in December next,
as the chief judge, or either of the associate judges, of the said
court, shall think sufficient.
Executions stayed
until third Mon-
day in December.
S. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all executions of every sort
against the said Gettig be stayed until after the said third Monday
in December next.